Today, Fremont High School received a message about a possible threat on the internet. “No specific details were provided but we take all threats seriously.”
Fremont Police Department and the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office were notified and immediately dispatched to the school. Out of an abundance of caution, several Fremont police and Sheriff’s cars were in the area this afternoon.
The threat was investigated by Fremont staff, Fremont PD and Steuben County Sheriff’s and found no credible threat. We will continue to put student safety as a top priority.

Wyatt Sterling was named the first semester outstanding student for criminology at IMPACT Institute. Congratulations Wyatt.

Wednesday 12/14/22 bus 4 will be one hour late for afternoon drop off. This will only affect bus 4, in the pm tomorrow.

FHS Athletics 12.12.22

Fremont High School is looking for a new Varsity Volleyball Coach. Anyone interested please send a resume and letter of interest to Athletic Director Cal Stone (cstone@fremonteagles.us).

PSAT/NMSQT Scores Available on Monday, December 5--
Students who participated in the recent October PSAT/NMSQT administration may access their individual score reports on Monday, December 5, using their College Board student account. Students who are unable to access their College Board accounts or whose accounts do not display their scores should contact College Board at 888-477-7728. Mrs. Miller can access this data for students. Guidance regarding navigating the K-12 Reporting Portal can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP2tqVckCFg . Contact Mrs. Miller or the College Board at IndianaTesting@collegeboard.org with additional questions.

The band students going on the Europe trip next summer will be holding a fundraising event on Dec 15 and Dec 17 during the high school basketball games. We are looking for people willing and able to bake (or buy) some yummy items for a bake sale. Items can be brought to the high school on Dec 15 or Dec 16 for the games.

Did you know you can view our breakfast and lunch menus on the app without searching for a document? Simply choose your school of choice, go to the menu and select Dining. This will allow you to view the day(s) of your choice. Your daily menu will also be listed right on the home screen of your selected school for a quick view!
For those who don't have our app, you can still find the menu on our website at the top of the Home page.

High School Athletics 12.5.22

First block classes will be participating in a holiday door decorating contest. First and second place classes will win donuts. Winners will be announced Friday December 9th.


We are open daily from 7:30-7:55am. We are currently offering Peppermint!
IMPACT students, if interested you may use the Keurig and KCUPs upon arrival - cost is $1.00. Just come knock on room 219 :)

Congratulations Ava Davis and Kailyn Peet for representing FHS Varsity Cheer at the Varsity Spirit Spectacular at Disney World! The girls prepared many months and performed in the parade at Magic Kingdom yesterday. Great job girls representing Fremont High School!

Hat, Coat, and Gloves Drive
Wednesday November 30th Fremont Girls' Basketball vs. Heritage & Friday December 2nd Boys' Basketball vs. Lakeland - Hat, Coat, & Gloves Drive. We are asking fans to donate hats & gloves for the youth of Fremont community.

Cancer Night
Friday November 18th, Cancer Night at GBB vs. Central Noble. Bake Sale with all funds going to the Barry family. Players will walk out between games with someone who has, or has had, cancer.

REMINDER: Both tonight (vs. Blackhawk Christian) and Friday (vs. Central Noble) JV Girls Basketball will only be playing 1 Half. Varsity will have a regular 20 minute warmup following the JV half.

HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS WEEK OF 11/14/22 – 11/19/12
TUESDAY (11/15)
FRIDAY (11/18)
“Hooping for the Cure”
SATURDAY (11/19)

Mrs. Strowig (high school health and elementary PE teacher), Heather Reetz, Krista Miller, and John Miller have restarted one of Fremont High School’s favorite clubs, The Fremont High School Ski club. High school students can turn their registration forms and money into Ashley Miller in the office. Extra copies of the registration forms can be found in the office.

Turkey Auctions will be this Friday, November 11. The student council uses the money collected from the auction to help out families in our community during the holiday season.

Parents- If your band or choir student sold cheesecakes they must be picked up on Friday Nov. 11th from the Middle School Band room, by 4:30pm. Use door M-20 at the back of the school. If you need a later time please contact Mrs. Springar