Phone: 260-577-4307
General Information
2025 Budget
Students & Parents
Building Schedules
School Board
If you or someone you know is currently experiencing thoughts of suicide, or a mental health or substance use crisis, please call 988 to reach Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and speak with a trained crisis specialist 24/7.
Bullying & Cyberbullying
Fremont Community Schools is working to make sure that all schools are positive places where students can feel safe and know they are respected and valued. If any member of a school community is concerned about bullying, he or she should speak with a teacher, counselor, principal, school police officer, or other member of the staff.
Families should be aware of students' social media use and report any bullying or threatening communication. Whether bullying takes place in person or online, it will not be tolerated at Fremont Community Schools.
Reporting an incident
Bullying can be reported by students, parents, staff members, or anyone who witnesses or is concerned about an alleged incident.
All reports will be investigated.
The school principal (or designee) must investigate within two school days, and parents should expect to hear about resolution within two further school days. The principal also reports the investigation and action taken to the district office.
If you are not satisfied with the investigation or resolution, contact Superintendent Dr. Stitt or at 260-495-5005.
Phone: 260-577-4307
Fremont Community Schools provides every student two (2) free prepaid sessions of counseling at any Bowen Center outpatient location.